Living at the intersection of community, policy and technology

I am a loan officer for the Nonprofits Assistance Fund, providing lending, strategic financial advice and training to build financially healthy nonprofits that foster community vitality.

More about my work at

I also study nonprofit management, and speak on social media as it impacts nonprofits. Contact me at the email or phone below regarding presentations or consulting opportunities.

Find me at other places across the web:

LinkedIn: Social networking for professionals

Minnesota Today: News service from Minnesota Public Radio, where I join in contributing interesting links.

Maladroit Missives: My personal blog, when I have the time. The blog is updated less frequently then Twitter, but more frequently than the U.S. Constitution.

Claim ID: A list of verified sites and postings about me - anything else is probably some other Steve Boland.


Phone: (651) 356-8896 - Enter your phone number in the widget below - Google will call for you if you like.

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